June 13, 2019

The Quantum Leap - Part 28

—A shocked, exhausted male face appeared in an officer’s uniform, a clear oxygen mask hanging around his neck as he noticeably struggled to breathe hard in the thin atmosphere rushing into the docking bay. Behind him, a darkness that was so thick it was like a dense fog that seemed unaffected by the away teams flashlights. He noticed Aaen’s rank insignia and then tried to straighten up. He took another breath, “Are you Captain Winter?” he gasped.
Aaen noticed the air getting a lot thinner, “Yeah, I’m Captain Winter,” Aaen replied directly, using his tone to remind the Lieutenant about his rank, and trying to breath more deeply to compensate for the sudden slight light-headedness.
“I’m Lieutenant Christensen, Union Navy—Captain, we need you and your crew’s help. Most of our crew has been ordered to designated shelter areas because of the power outage. We’ve also lost virtually all internal, and external, communications, and all of our internal sensors—including the security and tactical sensors, along with every other critical ship system. . . .” he took another breath, “Admiral told me and multiple other crew members to check this sector of the ship for survivors. Something’s—” Christensen was abruptly interrupted by a sudden metallic BANG that rolled through the darkness like thunder. The thin air suddenly felt chilled. Christensen snapped, leaned back slightly and looked to his right with a shocked and alert look as he reached for his sidearm.
The away team snapped and drew their weapons.
Captain, I need you and your crew to come with me. Now.
Sir?” Sandberg asked with professional enthusiasm.
Aaen clenched his jaws as he raised his weapon to his shoulder, then he looked at Christensen, “Let’s go,”
Another BANG rolled through the darkness, immediately followed by what Christensen guessed was metallic groaning and shrieking. . .


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