February 21, 2019

The Quantum Leap - Part 16

Captain!” Connors called out.
Smith rushed to the base of her computer, “I’ve been able to decode most of what we were able to recover from the aliens’ computer mainframe.”
Connors gave Smith a stiff, concerned, blank stare.
“Captain!” Hayes called out.
Smith rushed to the front of the bridge.
“I still have an uplink to the probe,” she pointed to her screen, “The signal isn’t 100%, but it's consistent.
“What do we have?” a Shadow asked. Smith reasoned this commando was the team’s leader.
“I have a video feed overlooking the cargo storage area where they’re keeping the Olyphium. Scans indicate they’re combining the Olyphium with a radiogenic material. The combination is causing the Olyphium to become increasingly radioactive.”
Smith wondered, what are they trying to do with that stuff? The fact it was becoming radioactive indicated a few possibilities. . .
Storm’s helmet comm link clicked as a male voice said, “Alpha-one, be advised, we have a source inside the target,”
Storm activated his suit’s radio comm link with a command to his suit control panel on his left forearm. The panel was only visible through the faceplate, “Roger that,” Storm replied lowly and directly.
Smith turned around, “What was that?” he asked, “‘Roger’ what?
“Captain, at this time, we have a source on the inside.”
Smith’s curiosity had been piqued, “’Source’?
“We’re going to know about who they are and more about what they’re trying to do, soon,”
“Captain!” Connors called out, holding out a data panel.
Smith took the panel and began fingering through the content on the display as quickly as comprehension allowed and then raised his head, “Shoot,” he gave the display to the lead Shadow.
“Captain, based on new trajectory calculations, the alien ship is headed for the fifth planet in an uncharted solar system.” Wilson declared.
Confirmed!” Jones added, “Reading tons of ships in that area, mostly scout ships on the facing side of the planet—I’m also detecting hundreds of orbital automated weapon platforms. They’re online and armed.
“Any transponder identification?” Smith asked sitting in the center seat.
“Negative, their transponders are scrambled.” That can only mean one thing. Smith had the same realization.
The alien ship is slowing!. . .According to these readings—they’re getting ready to land on the planet!
What?” Smith asked in surprise. A ship that big, landing on a planet was almost unheard-of. He was having a hard time believing what he had just heard, “Verify the sensor readings.”
Seconds later, Jones looked left. “All sensor data verified. Their current trajectory indicates they are getting ready to land on the planet.”
“Should I keep following them?” Wilson asked Smith.
We have to know what they’re doing, and stop them. Maintain pursuit course!
Storm gestured for the rest of the Shadows to follow him. They proceeded to deck two. 
Connors snapped, “Commander!” She repeated the search three times to be sure. She was still having a hard time believing what she had read. She had already begun uploading the data to a display; the data would be visible in seconds. 
Smith turned and rushed to the base of her station, noting the shocked look on her face. “Report,” he commanded.
“I know who the aliens are—and who they working for,
Connors handed him the display—he immediately scanned the data as fast as comprehension would enable. His gut sank hard seconds later. 


Steve H. told Jordan Foutin, "You are the next Tom Clancy. You really are a gifted writer."

Another reader told Jordan Foutin about his novel, DANIEL STORM, "Absolutely life changing. God bless you for this piece of art."

DANIEL STORM, a Jordan Foutin eBook, is available for $8.99 at any of these fine online retailers: 

smashwords.com (Remember to like and share!)

apple iBooks (This link is best viewed on iPhone or iPad)

Make sure to buy your copy today, and like and share!

Make sure to like the official StormTeam Simulations Facebook page for the latest, including when DANIEL STORM will be available on Amazon.com for Kindle eBook and softcover! Coming soon!

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