June 14, 2018

Scorpion Relay - Part 26

THEY’RE OVER THERE!—FIRE!” a male voice growled from some fifty yards behind. This declaration followed by three non-sequential bright-green directed lightning bolts, the first exploding against a tall dark tree—the away team frantically ducked and covered their heads as they continued running; the second immediately struck the ground just behind Jensen’s feet; the third narrowly missed Maxon’s right shoulder, instead creating a splash in a large mud puddle ahead.
Jensen snapped and started running backwards, ignoring the sound of dirt crunching under his boots—he visually confirmed four hostiles were in immediate pursue, each roughly five feet tall and getting taller as they drew closer, carrying heavy particle rifles—he quickly took aim, adjusting for the fact this jungle seemed to be bouncing up and down, and returned fire with four shots in rapid succession. He noted he nearly knocked out the target on the far-right, but missed. NARROWLY, he pressed his jaws together in frustration. He anticipated where they were aiming next and snapped, ducking left, then right, feeling the warm scream of two green bolts, one narrowly missing his left shoulder, the other nearly took his left ear off. He felt the residual heat of the bolt on the left side of his face, but knew he was okay. He snapped and took aim again, and then a knee, and fired—a red-orange bolt struck the target squarely in the chest. The force of the bolt picked the target off the ground as they tumbled into the air like a rag doll, loosely dropping their rifle on the ground as they fell flat back-first unconscious on the ground. The target’s chest glowed a circular dull faint dark red coloration which quickly faded away. The other three pursuers raised their rifles and fired—Aaen heard the hiss of the bolt and narrowly avoided a direct hit to his upper back.
Jonathan snapped, took a knee behind a tree, leaned right, and fired back—the bolt struck its target in the upper shoulder and was instantly pulled off its feet as it jerked left and collapsed face-first in some dry dirt as its weapon loosely flew several feet away.
Jensen and Jonathan heard Aaen yell another direction he read from the scanner. They stood up and continued running with the rest of the away team. Two more green bolts narrowly took down Maxon and Aaen due to sheer distance, they both knew. Every member of the away team could hear an entire army now coming after them, both on the ground. . .and in the air.
Maxon activated her communicator and held it to her mouth, “Mason, open the loading hatch! HURRY!” she shouted. The cloaking device got a couple of extra hands to carry it the remaining distance to the shuttle. The hatch was already starting to open. They all noted more footsteps, from who-knows-how-many different directions! They all silently agreed—
—Maxon pointed to the hatch and snapped, “Okay, get the shuttle on-board and start working on find a way to secure it. We GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE! MOVE!” The away team reacted with speed and precision as bolts of lightning sounded from not-so-far-away. The cloaking device was quickly in the cabin as the away team took their seats.
Computer! Close the hatch!” Maxon commanded. “Mason?” referred to what she was hearing on the comm channels.
Mason quickly turned around with a terrified look as numerous loud seemingly muffled communicator transmissions sounded like they were competing for the same target. They’re calling-in everything they’ve got on this planet, and everything within high-translight distance.
Oh, great—Aaen thought, withholding an exclamation, sitting upright while hovering over his computer controls and looking at the image of dense brush and shadows overcasting on the jungle surface in the viewscreen.
WOAH! WE’VE GOT CONTACT. . .coming from ten o’clock to three—No. . .to TWO O’Clock! We’ve gotta get outta here, now!” Jonathan declared, appearing shocked. Green particle beams scored the image on the viewscreen—
WE’RE UNDER FIRE! Aaen realized. He snapped. “Captain?” The bridge turned red with a flurry of alarms.
YOU GOT IT! Aaen silently zealously replied. Aaen wasn’t slow in carrying out the order. He brought the docking clamps up first, then abruptly leaned left, glaring at the computer screen to his immediate left. “Mason, make sure I’ve got power in the thrusters!” he commanded as a flurry of green bolts narrowly missed the hull—he noted the not-so-subtle sound of high-power particle beam explosions against the surrounding rocks and the larger trees that were visible, and multiple that were not. Aaen frantically adjusted the controls on his screen. . .quickly switching to the thrusters. The hull sharply lifted off in less than a second as Aaen noted the sound of brush slapping the hull as it climbed above the dark shade, then Aaen increased the shuttle’s speed to full-impulse and then immediately angled the nose to the sky. The only thing in the view screen was blue sky and distant faint white cloud cover. They could still hear the sharp, violent hiss of particle weapon fire from the surface. Aaen manipulated the thrusters to subtly maneuver around the incoming fire. . . And then there was none audible as the blue hue gradually turned a sharp black.
“Are we—?” Maxon asked as another alarm sounded.
Holy-cow! They’ve got every ship within a half-parsec doing high-intensity scans for us!"
The sensor scans’ reverberating hum was getting louder by the second, Aaen noted, and he started wondering just how long the stealth field was going to keep them hidden. . .


Steve H. told Jordan Foutin, "You are the next Tom Clancy. You really are a gifted writer."

DANIEL STORM, a Jordan Foutin eBook, is available for $8.99 at any of these fine online retailers: 

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