May 17, 2018

Scorpion Relay - Part 22

"Take us inCommander," Maxon commanded sharply.
Aaen felt a cold chill quickly, subtly climb his spine as he glared at the viewscreen, "Roger that," he replied sharply. His heart nearly beat its way out of his chest, and his hands and feet quickly felt chilled, a sensation that was trying to climb to his ankles. He adjusted the controls as the warbird flew out of sight across the terminator into night on the planet—and then the planet began to get bigger in the view screen.
"No indication they've detected us," Jonathan declared. The hull subtly began vibrating. The planet quickly filled the viewscreen.
The vibrations became more fierce.
"Everyone, hold on!" Fire quickly engulfed the bow as the hull pressed against the planet's atmosphere. Aaen gritted his teeth—the shuttle was getting harder to control—
"—The landing site's a-hundred-twenty-miles straight ahead! There's a freakin' TON of activity on the other side of the planet! I wouldn't recommend going beyond the terminator into night!"
"Agreed!" Maxon declared.
That WON'T HAPPEN! Turbulence, and it was getting more violent by the second. "I'm taking us in at a more steep angle! If we're lucky, I think we can dodge that group of scout ships to port!"
Maxon snapped at Jonathan. He nodded confirmation.
Aaen squinted. The turbulence became more violent, and the hull started vibrating from the sudden-onset external stress. "THERE IT IS!. . .I CAN SEE IT!" The landing site was surrounded by dense vegetation. The sun was going to be down soon. Aaen guessed that would somehow work to their advantage. . .he was already working on formulating an exit strategy. 
"THERE'S A METALLIC CONSTRUCT OF SOME KIND ABOUT TWENTY MILES ABOVE THE PRIZE!" Jonathan declared, yelling over the turbulence and the humming hull. The entire crew was struggling to stay upright. 
Aaen had a hunch—a big one. A few bursts from the reverse thrusters slowed them to a safe approach speed. He brought the shuttle around a large patch of tall trees and brush then hovered over the coordinates. The down thrusters did the rest. . . THUD. "Touchdown," Aaen declared.
"Just missed our friends upstairs. . ." Aaen detected a hint of assurance in Jonathan's voice. "I'm not detecting any life signs for six hundred meters. . . What is out there," he started turning his head sharply—"we don't want to find us,"
"Not likely with this little sunlight getting through," Aaen quipped.
"Transporters are struggling to get a lock on the prize, Captain," Jensen said. "
Maxon waved him off. "Don't bother. Gear-up. Computer: standby to lower the boarding ramp. Mason, you have a map of this place? Where's the prize?"
"About twenty stories below where we're sitting. It's not going to be easy to get to it."
"Good," Maxon said.


Steve H. told Jordan Foutin, "You are the next Tom Clancy. You really are a gifted writer."

DANIEL STORM, a Jordan Foutin eBook, is available for $8.99 at any of these fine online retailers: (Remember to like and share!)

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