October 2, 2016

Bug Hunt - Part Three

The Admiral entered the small corridor, reaching behind the main bridge hatch, and then returned to the bridge with a small 24 by the 12-inch whiteboard and a black dry erase marker. "Engineer, come to the front of the bridge for your mission briefing." The Engineer crawled through the crawl space and then proceeded to stand next to the tactical station, facing the engineering station. The Admiral sat in between the two bays of medical beds, setting the whiteboard in front of him, removing the cap on the dry erase marker as he leaned forward to begin writing on the white board.
"Crew, your mission tonight will take you to—"


A distant explosion echoed through the hull. The hull violently vibrated–the crew braced against the nearest computer station or bulkhead to remain upright. The lights flickered sporadically–gradually returning to normal illumination.


Another, more subtle vibration, resulting in a similar effect. The greater power grid hummed and moaned in decline.
"What's going on?" asked the Engineer.
"Stay calm, Engineer." Admiral Call said, reaching for his communicator. The device chirped to signal the opening of a communication line. 
"Admiral Call to Mission Ops. Mission Ops, come in."
The line was mostly silent, otherwise filled with faint static.


"The station's power grid is failing," Aaen said. "Someone or something's attacking the Starbase. What's on sensors?"
"Other than Starbase–nothing," Jason said, appearing surprised and confused.
"I didn't tell you to do any scans." the Captain said.
"Maybe the Odyssey's sensors can't permeate the Starbase's hull?" said Operations. Aaen didn't appreciate the comment, but couldn't rule it out either. He kept to himself.


"We're going to lose power if we don't power up the Odyssey, Captain," Aaen said.
"I know." the Captain replied.
This is going to be an interesting mission. Aaen reasoned.


"Captain, your helmsman makes a sound suggestion." said Admiral Call.


The hull vibrated with variable intensity. Aaen looked at the ceiling through his eyebrows. Whoever's shooting is getting closer to whatever they're trying to hit. He looked at the Captain. —C'mon, Captain! Aaen thought. The lights started to gradually dim. The bridge was rapidly going dark, except for the light coming from the computer screens shining against the rest of the crew's faces. The Engineer's expression was hidden by the tunnel entrance to the Engineering area.


The Captain picked up the ship's captain's binder, thumbing through to the third page, and then scanned the page–turned to the rear of the bridge.


The explosion was loudest.
"Engineer, bring the main reactor online."


"We're losing power to internal illumination and life support!" said Operations.
"Any hull damage in evidence?" Aaen asked Operations.
"None that I can detect."
The Captain looked at Aaen sharply. "Be quiet."
Aaen looked at the Captain calmly and then looked to the rear of the bridge at the Engineering station with a determined look. The Engineer leaned over to look at the bridge forward.
"First Officer, turn on switches one through four so power from the main reactor core can get to the rest of the ship!"
The First Officer complied with the step in the ship startup procedure.
"Main reactor coming online, Captain!" said Operations.
The main view screen showed an image of the ship's reactor core becoming increasingly brighter. To the right of the image, a percentage indicating the power output level.


"Starbase's power's out," Aaen said. Admiral Call walked replaced the cap on the dry erase marker, and then quickly proceeded off the bridge, closing the bridge main hatch behind him. Two seconds later, the sound of a transporter filled the bridge.
The Captain turned to the Operations station. "Operations, switch the ship to internal power."
"Yes, sir."
A loud hissing sound filled the bridge. The bridge lights gradually restored to full illumination. Subtle cheers with raised celebratory fists filled the bridge for a few seconds. The lights again started to flicker, gradually declining until the bridge went dark.
The First Officer looked at the Captain. "We should probably undock and then launch to see what's going on outside."
"Something's messing with our power. The interference may be some kind of high-intensity dampening field. Main power's at twenty percent of maximum and dropping. I'm not showing any drain on auxiliary power, Captain. Should I switch the ship to auxiliary power?"
"Switching to auxiliary power. The lights probably won't come back on, but we'll at least have life support and a few key systems including communications, shields, and cannons."
Aaen turned to the Captain. "Sir, I think our first goal should be to attempt to establish communication with Starbase. Mission Ops would be able to tell us—"
"—No." the Captain growled, turning to the Sensors and Tactical stations.
Aaen looked left at Communications. "Are we being hailed by anyone?"
The Lieutenant Junior Grade looked at her computer screen, using the mouse to select short-range subspace radio controls and readout. "No."
Aaen nodded. Either all of the other ships have been destroyed, or everyone else is in the same predicament as us.
"Start doing sensor scans. Try to see what's going on outside of the docking port." the Captain said.
"Get ready to raise shields."
We're still docked! Aaen thought. Raise the shields, and you sever the docking arm from the station! You'll damage the docking port!
"Okay," Jason replied.
A loud click, and then the sound of a hatch opening filled the bridge. The sound was concentrated from behind and seemingly above the bridge main hatch. An emergency escape port. Aaen reasoned. 


"Who's there?" the Captain asked, remaining seated. Jason and the Sensors Officer both turned a shocked and scared look at the bridge hatch.
"Cannons!" Aaen whispered to the rest of the bridge.
"NO!–" the Captain whispered.
"Only as a precaution, sir."


"Who is it?" the First Officer asked, looking at the Captain. "It's not a bad idea." The First Officer whispered.
A trio of clicking sounds, and then the sound of air rapidly escaping.


Steve H. told Jordan Foutin, "You are the next Tom Clancy. You really are a gifted writer."

DANIEL STORM, a Jordan Foutin eBook, is available for $8.99 at any of these fine online retailers: 

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