Aaen watched in horror as another wave of pirate ships approached the Station at an angle—and in an almost professional formation—firing a flood of brightly glowing projectile weapons that pummeled the shields. Aaen noted in panic as numerous bridge computers flashed and sparked violently. More sharp hull shuddering. Aaen noted numerous other bridge computer stations flashed and sparked violently. The bridge lights struggled to stay lit enough for Aaen to see the bridge beyond his computers and the main viewscreen. Magellan can't take this much punishment! Dang, there's a lotta jagged, burning debris out there! Some of the debris was remnant of the Orion ships that thought fighting a freakin' space station was a brilliant idea—the rest was. . .he didn't want to think about that as he wiped his forehead with his sleeve.
"Our support ships are moving into position!" Lieutenant Hammond announced. "Their weapons are powered and locking on!"
"We've taken out about a THIRD of the Orion legion, Admiral!" Sorenson declared. "Shields are down to fifteen percent!" His tone changed as he continued, "The Orion fleet's locking onto the supports!"
"Give them cover fire! JUST KEEP FIRING!" the Captain commanded.
Another flurry of torpedoes soared at the Station and dense particle beams scored the hull; large, violent explosions pummeled the shields. The bridge crew struggled to stay upright; the Station's relative position started to gradually shift, Aaen noted. The main viewscreen filled with static and then his skin felt cold and his gut sank as the main viewscreen showed multiple large torpedo warheads exploding on the hull. Large pieces of debris scattered violently in every direction—one piece hit the external camera. Static.
"DIRECT HIT to the secondary docking ring! WE'RE TAKING HULL DAMAGE!" Damage Control announced dreadfully.
"Admiral, we've lost shield grids two-through-four! Shield grid one's holding at five percent!" Ensign Sorenson announced directly. Aaen detected he was hiding profound anxiety, albeit not very well.
Aaen clenched his fists in anger. He wanted to wring Maddog's neck. He told himself to stay focused.
The Doctor pointed at Hanson. "Tell security to take the wounded to Sickbay! I'm on my way! Tell them: Code Twelve!" the Doctor declared directly, running off the bridge.
Lieutenant Harrison's computer screen lit up. He picked up the handset and answered.
Aaen eyed the four support ships on the main viewscreen firing everything they had at every Orion ship in their weapon range. The four ships maneuvered around the Station fluidly a defensive pattern The Knightsword cast a large shadow over the Ranger as the Ranger gradually separated from the Station. The Captain was fast on the Ranger's navigational controls. Based on the look her face—Aaen noted—and how quickly and sharply she was eyeing the screen in front of her, and the one at the front of the bridge, the Ranger's weapons were armed shortly after undocking. He sensed she wanted payback as much as he did. The look on her face spoke volumes to that point. Aaen's gut told him to keep his distance, at least for the moment.
Aaen noted the sensor readings indicated a little more than half of the Orion fleet had been destroyed. He had never seen so many escape pods! More Orion weapons pummeled Magellan's hull with large, violent, thundering explosions that rolled through the bridge. The bridge crew struggled to stay upright amid another acutely sharp shift in the Station's relative position. Aaen noted the Station was losing hull armor and the Station, itself, started drifting to port. He tried to use the maneuvering thrusters to stabilize the Station, but his efforts were countered by more incoming fire. Eyeing the horrors on the main viewscreen, he frantically held onto the top of his computers for stability as he asked himself how much longer Magellan could keep taking this beating before Admiral Jensen faced having to sign condolence letters—!
"Our supports are on-target! They're thinning out the Orions, but they're also taking fire! Knightsword's lost their port shields, and are taking hull damage! The other three ships are still firing! It's a real mess out there, Admiral!"
The hull shuddered again.
"Only about a hundred-twenty Orion ships left!"
"Numerous hull breaches! We're losing atmosphere on decks ten-through-thirty!" Damage Control declared.
"Evacuate those decks! Engage emergency containment measures!"
The bridge echoed with acknowledgments.
Another direct hit, this time to the inner-most ring! Aaen noted. A series of booming, thundering explosions rolled through the bridge. More shuddering.
"ADMIRAL! We JUST LOST ENERGY WEAPONS! I've only got partial torpedo launch capability!" Ensign Sorenson declared, wide-eyed in shock. She rushed to the front of his station.
"What do we still have left?"
"KNIGHTSWORD HAS LOST ITS SHIELDS!" Lieutenant Hammond sharply declared.
Aaen clenched his jaws and grimaced at the main viewscreen as images of a full spread of bright red warheads tore through the Knightsword's hull from starboard to port, sending metallic debris violently toward the Station and revealing the Knightsword's glowing and sparking secondary hull. Their dual warp nacelles started flickering as though from a massive internal power failure.
"We're getting a distress call from the Knightsword. They've sustained a direct hit to their main power grid! They've taken casualties and they're losing weapon launch capabilities! They may be facing a warp core breach!" Ensign Henderson announced.
"Only fifty Orion ships left!" Lieutenant Hammond declared.
"We're taking heavy damage!" Damage Control announced.
"The launch pads have been destroyed!" Lieutenant Malcolm declared. "CO-2 levels are rising throughout the Station! Life's support's failing on half the Station, Admiral!" Lieutenant Malcolm announced in a panic.
"Intruder-Alert!" the Main Computer droned. The main viewscreen showed tactical indicators highlighting transporter activity.
"Confirmed! Twenty unauthorized life forms detected on decks two-through-ten!" Hansen declared.
"Deploy security forces to those decks!" the Captain commanded.
"On it!"
"Captain! Send the Ranger on a run around the Station! Hit them with everything you've got!"
"Sorenson! Keep firing torpedoes!"
Another flurry of directed weapon fire rocked the Station violently.
"Direct hit to the weapons grid!" Damage Control announced.
"DANG IT! Weapons are down!" Sorenson declared angrily.
"Intruders' have broken through the defense perimeter on decks three through five! I'm tracking the intruders! We're gonna have company REALLY SOON, Captain!"
Aaen's felt his skin starting to crawl, recalling what those whom the Orion had taken captive in the past—when they have taken prisoners—said about how the Orions treat their prisoners. . .
"Knightword is reporting they've been disabled! They've exhausted their torpedo supply! They're maintaining a possible core breach! They're trying to stabilize their core! The other three ships are still engaging the Orions, but they're taking heavy damage!"
"There are only fifteen Orion ships left!" Hammond declared.
"Can we contact Command and request additional reinforcements?" Aaen asked directly.
"We can't! They're jamming long-range communications!"
Aaen gritted his teeth and slammed his fists into his desk like a judge's gavel. He noted the sound of cannon fire to his right. He stood up and ducked as he rushed to the Captain's station. A loud sparking explosion of the bridge security locks filled the bridge entrance corridor. Hansen and Lieutenant-Commander Alendra picked up their particle rifles and took aim at the doorway next to Aaen's station.
"Sickbay is reporting intruders trying to break in!"
"Security is en-route!" Hanson declared. The message was relayed to the CMO.
More particle weapon fire boomed through the corridor—and then only the flood of frantic combat alarms. Aaen noted the video of the three remaining support ships keeping the Orions busy. Their hulls had jagged, sparking holes and burn marks spanning the length of each hull. Aaen could see exposed sections of each ships secondary hulls—
. . .Footsteps around the corner. . .
—An darkly colored particle rifle extended around the corner and lit up as a particle bolt shot across the bridge as the Admiral dove for cover next to the Captain. The bolt struck the Admiral's computer station sending sparks flying.
Hansen and Alendra snapped, returned fire at the doorway then took cover—another shot from the doorway as Alendra stood up struck Alendra on the shoulder. He collapsed and tumbled in a violent spasm to the bottom of the bridge.
Aaen noted rapid footsteps marching near his computer station. . . He snapped, looking over the top row of right-wing—a pirate wearing a black mask with a visor and a sharp look in their eye snapped and took aim. Aaen ducked in shock as a particle bolt shot over the row of computers. Malcolm's computers engulfed in chain lightning as they flashed violently. Aaen noted the hum of a massive power loss in each in of the computers.
The footsteps are getting closer, he noted. He snapped, watching over his shoulder as he rushed to the captain's station to the security stations. Aaen ducked as he reached around the corner of the security station and picked up Hansen's rifle. He held it upright over his shoulder as he looked around to his right. Another pirate was entering the bridge!
Aaen closed his eyes for a moment, took a deep breath, took aim—the pirate saw him! The pirate rushed Aaen, taking aim!
Aaen fired!
The particle bolt struck the pirate center-mass. The pirate crumbled in spasms.
Aaen heard and noted weapon fire from the top of the bridge. A shot from the other side of the security stations sparked against the ceiling over the Admiral's computer. Aaen stepped up, then looked right—PIRATE!
The pirate got the first shot off as Aaen leaped for the top of right-wing. He felt the heat from the bolt's near miss on the bottom of his boots. He crouched at the right of his station. His hands felt clammy, and the bridge felt like it was getting hotter, Aaen noted.
He heard the pirate rushing him from behind.
Aaen stood up—a bolt grazed his shoulder, Aaen yelled in pain and recoiled sharply, struggling to aim, and fired.
Bullseye! The pirate dropped a small pistol-shaped weapon and crumbled face-first to the floor like a ragdoll.
Aaen dropped to cover behind his station. His hand tingled from the bolt impact to his shoulder. He put the rifle in his other hand and listened for sounds. He ignored the pain. He felt rattled, but remained determined—
He heard security firing upward at left-wing; a bolt was fired back. Security was holding their ground at the bottom of the bridge, Aaen reasoned, noting the blood-curdling yell of another downed pirate, and then that of two crew members. The question of how many pirates were on the bridge crossed Aaen's mind. Who cares! He told himself. He couldn't focus on that detail, only on stopping those. . .MONSTERS. . .from taking over the Station. . . Magellan's primary weapons array was down, but she still had a couple other tricks in her playbook that could easily—HILARIOUSLY!—topple the three other support ships, he realized, grinning. He felt anxious sweat building on his forehead, and his breathing increased.
Frantic particle fire screamed across the bridge. Another pirate's down, and so is a crew member. Security? No way to be sure from up here. Just STAND UP, AND SHOOT THEM! Aaen told himself. Were the pirates already standing up? Do they know where I am? Are they waiting for me to—
Footsteps!—They're coming!
One. . .
Two. . .
Aaen snapped, aiming low at the foot of the bridge at a pirate sweeping from behind.
The Pirate fired at Aaen—
Security stood up and stunned the pirate.
The pirate's bolt struck security as Aaen fired. Security crumbled as the Aaen's bolt struck the pirate. The pirate collapsed where they were, unconscious. Aaen's rifle had to recharge. He looked left as the last pirate took aim at Aaen. A particle beam scored the wall behind Aaen. Aaen snapped, diving left, aimed and fired—
Steve H. told Jordan Foutin, "You are the next Tom Clancy. You really are a gifted writer."
DANIEL STORM, a Jordan Foutin eBook, is available for $8.99 at any of these fine online retailers:
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